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Every possible color using the hex code

Choose values for each of the three elements that make a color. You will automatically see the display change to represent that color.

RedGreenBlueSample Color

216 Browser-safe colors

I realize there are hundereds of color charts out there, but it's not necesarrily that easy to find one just when you need one. This chart first shows the 216 "browser safe" colors, and below there is a form where you can experiment choosing different values for each of the red, green and blue parts of the color and see the sample color displayed.

 #000000 #003300 #006600 #009900 #00CC00 #00FF00
 #330000 #333300 #336600 #339900 #33CC00 #33FF00
 #660000 #663300 #666600 #669900 #66CC00 #66FF00
 #990000 #993300 #996600 #999900 #99CC00 #99FF00
 #CC0000 #CC3300 #CC6600 #CC9900 #CCCC00 #CCFF00
 #FF0000 #FF3300 #FF6600 #FF9900 #FFCC00 #FFFF00
 #000033 #003333 #006633 #009933 #00CC33 #00FF33
 #330033 #333333 #336633 #339933 #33CC33 #33FF33
 #660033 #663333 #666633 #669933 #66CC33 #66FF33
 #990033 #993333 #996633 #999933 #99CC33 #99FF33
 #CC0033 #CC3333 #CC6633 #CC9933 #CCCC33 #CCFF33
 #FF0033 #FF3333 #FF6633 #FF9933 #FFCC33 #FFFF33
 #000066 #003366 #006666 #009966 #00CC66 #00FF66
 #330066 #333366 #336666 #339966 #33CC66 #33FF66
 #660066 #663366 #666666 #669966 #66CC66 #66FF66
 #990066 #993366 #996666 #999966 #99CC66 #99FF66
 #CC0066 #CC3366 #CC6666 #CC9966 #CCCC66 #CCFF66
 #FF0066 #FF3366 #FF6666 #FF9966 #FFCC66 #FFFF66
 #000099 #003399 #006699 #009999 #00CC99 #00FF99
 #330099 #333399 #336699 #339999 #33CC99 #33FF99
 #660099 #663399 #666699 #669999 #66CC99 #66FF99
 #990099 #993399 #996699 #999999 #99CC99 #99FF99
 #CC0099 #CC3399 #CC6699 #CC9999 #CCCC99 #CCFF99
 #FF0099 #FF3399 #FF6699 #FF9999 #FFCC99 #FFFF99
 #0000CC #0033CC #0066CC #0099CC #00CCCC #00FFCC
 #3300CC #3333CC #3366CC #3399CC #33CCCC #33FFCC
 #6600CC #6633CC #6666CC #6699CC #66CCCC #66FFCC
 #9900CC #9933CC #9966CC #9999CC #99CCCC #99FFCC
 #0000FF #0033FF #0066FF #0099FF #00CCFF #00FFFF
 #3300FF #3333FF #3366FF #3399FF #33CCFF #33FFFF
 #6600FF #6633FF #6666FF #6699FF #66CCFF #66FFFF
 #9900FF #9933FF #9966FF #9999FF #99CCFF #99FFFF

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